The new film from Big Island Studios, Kilohana Entertainment, & Shields Productions, Directed by Jonathan Stimac, “SPIT” is a WINNER in the 2013 Honolulu Film Awards!
SPIT is the story of a caveman who becomes separated from his tribe. On his epic journey to be reunited with his beloved family, he comes across an unusual traveling partner. A chicken! SPIT and his new friend journey across immense prehistoric landscapes while dodging many trials that come their way! SPIT will stop at nothing in the hope of one day seeing his family again!
This hilarious adventure of a Caveman and a Chicken is sure touch your heart, and is one to bring home to the whole family! Congratulations to Jonathan Stimac, Ryan Johnston and the whole crew on this achievement and here’s to many more to come!
Check out the Official SPIT Facebook page and stay updated with all of the film’s successes and imminent release.